Our teenagers are important to us at Faith Baptist and they play an important role in our church. To help our teens grow in Christ we have two Sunday School classes, a weekly discipleship group, and a weekly youth group meeting. We also take trips to Christian camps where our youth are challenged by speakers and exposure to God's Word in action. Recognizing that teens need time with their Christian peers to support each other, we also provide them with opportunities to fellowship with each other in our youth group meetings and during other special events, like camp outs, movie nights, lock-ins, and more. Finally, we encourage our teens to use their talents and gifts to further Christ's kindom and encourage them to serve in His church. Many teens help with our young children in our Nursery, AWANA, and other programs and some even serve on our worship team - often leading worship as a teen praise team on a regular basis.
We love our teens!
To request more information about our teen program please
click here.